Monday 20th January 2025 01:56:50 PM


Kempston Rural Lower School

  Category Lower school
  Telephone 0(01234) 854286
  Address Martell Drive, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7FJ
  Town Bedfordshire
  Autumn term dates
  Spring term dates
  Summer term dates
  Ofsted report View

About This Post

Kempston Rural Lower School
Martell Drive, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7FJ
Tel: (01234) 854286 Fax: (01234) 854286

Kempston Rural Primary School

Our Values and Ethos:

At Kempston Rural Primary School we believe that every child should enjoy their education and be happy, healthy and safe at school. Our school is one step in a 

child’s journey of lifelong learning and we will always be a caring place where children and adults make a valuable contribution and are inspired to be creative, 

think for themselves and feel confident to meet new challenges.

Our Mission Statement:

To develop pupils that value and respect their own and others individuality, culture and heritage. We are committed to providing a place of excellence with high 

standards. Our key aims are to:

Provide a stimulating, creative and engaging curriculum which develops the skills, abilities and talents of all pupils
Foster a school culture that is built around the British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect for and tolerance of those with 

different faiths.
Create a school environment that is fit for purpose, safe, secure and caring which fosters relationships based on respect
Build effective partnerships between children, staff, parents, governors and the wider community
Develop a staff team which is highly trained and motivated.